A quiz: What do Big Oil and Galileo, and maybe you, have in common? Answer is below.

Here is news and opinions about climate change that counters climate-alarm truthiness emanating from some quarters. These facts and opinions are being said by those who know what they are talking about. Decide for yourself if you accept

Its time again to report on climate-related news from a perspective other than the alarmists. I’ll leave it to those who know more than I.

First, have you wondered why all the news from your Google search seems to spell climate D-O-O-M?  Maybe its because the UN has teamed up with the search engine to

Co-author Trevor Lawhorn

If you have ever wondered how many ways a cocktail of stupidity*, treachery and feckless government can inflict financial harm on the undeserving, including the citizens the feckless government leaders are supposed to serve, see City of Dallas v. Trinity E. Energy, LLC.


In 2008 during the Barnett Shale drilling boom