Let’s begin with a quiz. Armour purchases non-recourse mortgage notes, becoming a lienholder in 99 oil and gas leases and 13 wells; fails to record the transfer documents in the real property records; assigns the leases to Sandel, reserving an overriding royalty interest in 23 of the leases; and can’t show that the liens were
estoppel by deed
The Duhig Rule Explained and Distinguished
By Charles Sartain on
Posted in Land Titles, Title Issues

Co-author Rusty Tucker
Let’s talk the Duhig Rule and estoppel by deed in Texas. Don’t run away yet. We’ll get to the point quickly and then you can leave.
Under the doctrine of estoppel by deed:
- “All parties to a deed are bound by the recitals therein, which operate as an estoppel, … and binding