In considering how many bad reasons President Obama might have in announcing a delay of his Keystone Pipeline decision, you’ve got to feel like the hungry mosquito at the nudist colony: There is so much opportunity you don’t know where to start. I can think of 253: 199 Democratic members of the U S House, 53 in the Senate, and his own “legacy” of trepidation and fear of offending the more lefty elements of his base (but I repeat myself).  

The project will be delayed until after the November elections, allegedly because federal agencies need more time to weigh in.

Don’t rely on me for advice on this topic. Here is a post from the Heritage Foundation’s newsletter, The Foundry. You might recall that I recently identified the Heritage Foundation as one of the reliable skeptics of climate change, and thus (possibly) driven more by ideology than evidence. But the venerable and liberal Washington Post also objected, calling the decision “absurd”. You might not agree with the entire editorial, such as  the call for a realistic carbon “price”, which rhymes with “tax”.

Things You Thought You Knew About Keystone

While we are on the topic, you might be interested in what has been described as five myths about the Keystone Pipeline, also offered in the Post by Michael Levi, senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. Interestingly, his myths cut both ways, challenging beliefs on both sides of the debate.  But are they real myths? Media Matters reports the opposite. I’m siding with Mr. Levi.

Because the Keystone delay makes me sad, today we have two musical interludes. The candidates are woe-is-me country music drinking songs:

BR5-49: There Stands the Glass

Leon Russell: Six Pack to Go

 Two choices.  Be courageous. Pick one … before November.