Any semblance of objectivity on the subject of the day is expressly disclaimed. This post contains distressing words, such as “oil and gas”, “fracking” and “jobs” that could cause severe emotional reactions in sensitive readers. If this post is contrary to your firmly held beliefs, proceed promptly to your downward facing dog.
As a thoughtful reader you might ask, Why should I vote against Proposition 112? Here are a few reasons:
1 It is poorly conceived and inappropriate for the purpose intended, say Morgan Bazilian and Ken Bedlock in Forbes. In 2017 oil and gas producers paid $496.7 million in taxes. Oil and gas sector salaries are higher than average. All of that will go away over time if the proposition passes. There is no evidence that specific setback standards improve public health.
2. Bernie Sanders is in favor.
4. Notorious prevaricating anti-fossil fuel out-of-staters Josh Fox and Sandra Steingraber are in favor.
5. State Rep. Joe Salazar is in favor, saying the oil gas industry is “immoral” and “has no place in Colorado” after driving to the event in his gasoline-powered automobile. My bet is his shirts are polyester and he eats lunch with a plastic spork.
6. Colorado families and businesses, including Mr. Salazar unless his home heating system is fueled by bison droppings, have saved $12.1 billion in lower energy costs as a result of lower pries brought on by fracking, says the Consumer Energy Alliance.
Your opportunity for revenge if Proposition 112 passes would be to vote for Proposition 74. That does not appear to be a good trade-off.
What if it does pass? Where will the unemployed, rig hands, landmen, enginers, geo techs, geologists, truck drivers and assorted others who serve the business could migrate. Here? Here? Of course, here? Mineral owners and the economic asset that is their minerals are stuck where they are.