Many years ago, in the days of cheap oil and cheaper natural gas, The Superior Oil Company often hired geologists and engineers away from Mobil Oil. As a result of many years of attracting good talent, Superior became the largest independent producer in the U.S. In 1986 Mobil acquired Superior. It was said at the time that the only reason for the transaction was so that Mobil could get its maps back. Sounds like a joke, but it makes you wonder how often things like that go on in the oil business. I don’t know, but I’d bet the answer is, with electronic records and the thumb-drive, more than you would think.
I’ve written before on the importance of protecting trade secrets, and how miscreants who’ve been careless on their journey to perdition have paid the price. Now it will be more difficult for data thieves.
The Texas legislature adopted the Uniform Trade Secrets Act, effective September 1, 2013. I direct you to Tilting the Scales, a blog from Jamie Ribman and Cleve Clinton, two of my Looper Reed colleagues who explain the changes in the law very well.
The good news is the opportunity for a musical interlude about treachery, one of a trial lawyer’s favorite topics.